Thursday 11 August 2016



Caring for your teeth and mouth are nursing actions performed on the client hospitalized. This can be done by conscious patients independently or with the help of a nurse. For patients who are not able to maintain oral hygiene and dental completely independently should be assisted by a nurse.

1.      Preventing infection of the gums and teeth
2.      Maintain the comfort of the oral cavity

Warrant Hospital Director of health services at the hospital.

1.       Stage of pre interactions:
a.       Verification of the patients nursing services program
b.      Prepare tools
c.       Prepare yourself officers in interacting with patients

2.      Stage orientation:
a.       Give greetings
b.      Explain the purpose and procedure
c.       Ask consent and patient readiness
d.      Preparation tool brought closer to patients

3.      The preparation phase tool
a.       Towels and linen pengalas
b.      Rinse glassware containing
-          Air cookware / NaCl
-          Mouthwashv
c.       Tongue blade that had been wrapped with gauze
d.      cotton sticks
e.       Crooked
f.       Gauze
g.       Tweezers or artery client
h.      Toothbrush and toothpaste

4.      phase of work on the unconscious patient
a.       Explain the procedure to the client
b.      Washing hands
c.       Adjust the position with the side sleeping position right / left
d.      Replace towels under the chin / cheek patients
e.       Take the tweezers and wrap with gauze soaked in warm water / cook
f.       Use cans spatula (spatula tongue) to open the mouth while cleaning teeth / mouth
g.       Make cleaning starts from the wall cavity of the mouth, gums, teeth, and tongue
h.      Dry with a dry sterile gauze
i.        Once clean, apply glycerin Borax
j.        Wash hands after the procedure

5.      The work phase in Patients Conscious, But Not Able to Make Your Own
a.       Explain the procedure to the client
b.      Washing hands
c.       Adjust the position with towel
d.      Replace towels under the chin
e.       Take the tweezers and wrap with gauze containing warm water / cook
f.       Clean in the mouth then started the oral cavity, gums, teeth, and tongue. Then rinse with a solution of NaCl
g.       Once clean, apply glycerin Borax
h.      For dental care done brushing with movement up and down
i.        Wash hands after the procedure
6.      Stage termination:
a.       Thank you for the cooperation with patient
b.      Document the implementation of the nursing actions
c.       Evaluation of client response
d.      Conclude the activity
e.       Giving a message
f.       The contract period further activities
g.       Adjust the position of the clients as comfortable as possible
h.      Clear up the tools and return it to its place

7.      Document:
a.       name of client
b.      Date and time
c.       Action taken
d.      client response
e.       name of officer
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