Thursday 11 August 2016



                                                           HAIR TREATMENT

Is a treatment procedure that is performed on patients who are not able to meet the need for washing and brushing hair


1.    Eliminate microorganisms scalp.
2.    Adding a sense of comfort.
3.    Combating lice or dandruff that is attached to the skin.
4.    Streamlining the circulatory system under the scalp

Warrant Hospital Director of health services at the hospital.

1.      Stage of pre interactions:
a.       Verification of the patients nursing services program
b.      Prepare tools
c.       Prepare yourself officers in interacting with patients
d.      Stage orientation:
e.       Give greetings
f.       Explain the purpose and procedure
g.       Ask consent and patient readiness
h.      Preparation tool brought closer to patients

2.      The preparation phase tool
a.       Towels taste.
b.      Perlak or pengalas.
c.       A basin of warm water.
d.      Sampo in place.
e.       Gauze and cotton.
f.       Comb.
g.       Crooked.
h.      Scoop.
i.        Empty bucket.

3.      The work phase.
a.       Washing hands.
b.      Wear clean gloves
c.       Close the door / window or pairs sampiran room.
d.      Adjust the position pasiensetengah sitting or sleeping.
e.       After sleeping position and then put perlak / pad under the patient's head and perlak / pengalas directed downward with rolled edges towards a container (bowl).
f.       Place the bowl under the bed just below the patient's head.
g.       Close the ears with cotton.
h.      Close the chest with a towel up to his neck.
i.        Then comb the hair and make subsequent washing with warm water using shampoo and rinse with warm water with a massage.
j.        After completion of dry hair and comb.
k.      Wash hands after the procedure.

4.      Stage termination:
a.       Thank you for the cooperation with patient
b.      Document the implementation of the nursing actions
c.       Evaluation of client response
d.      Conclude the activity
e.       Giving a message
f.       The contract period further activities
g.       Adjust the position of the clients as comfortable as possible
h.      Clear up the tools and return it to its place

    name of client
    Date and time
    Action taken
    client response

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