Tuesday 2 August 2016





Take measurements of blood pressure in patients with a monitoring or observation of the general state of the patient in treatment.


To launch an action with the aim of supporting imperfect health services provided in the accuracy Assessment of patients.
1.    Knowing the patient's general condition.
2.    Knowing early heart function.
3.    Following the development of the course of the disease.
4.    Helps determine one supporting diagnosis.


Measures of blood pressure measurement is based on guidelines and rules defined, in order to support the recovery of patients in care services were excellent.


1.    Stage of pre interactions:
a.    Verification of the patients nursing services program
b.    Prepare tools
c.    Keep the privacy of the client; if necessary, close the doors and windows / drapery
d.   Prepare yourself officers in interacting with patients
e.    Make sure the contract time for action on patient has been done

2.    Stage orientation:
a.       Give greetings
b.      Clarification time contract
c.       Explain the purpose and procedure
d.      Give the patient the opportunity to ask
e.       Ask consent and patient readiness
f.       Preparation tool brought closer to patients

3.    The work phase.
a.       Washing hands.
b.      Let the patient is lying down or sitting quietly on the bed.
c.       Holding the patient's hand, and then attach (wrap) tensimeter cuff on the upper arm above the elbow
d.      Limit the bottom cuff of about 2-3 cm from the elbow crease
e.       May be in the left or right arm, making sure not at arm attached infusion or there are injuries or paralysis of motion. Fitting the cuff on this part because this was where the blood vessels called the brachial artery
f.       Sphygmomanometer cuff should be level or level of the heart, the patient in a state of lying down or sitting. His condition should be relaxed / relaxed, hands should not be strained
g.      Attach a stethoscope in his ears, put the diaphragm at the bottom winding cuff in the folds of the elbow where the brachial artery is located
h.      Starting at pumping blood pressure, Cup Turn the wheel to the right (clockwise) of the existing air regulator valve on the pump rubber cuff to shut it down, so that when pumping cuff later that no air is leaking out.
i.        Knead the rubber to pump air into the cuff, pumping stops until a knock audible and added 40mmHg.
j.        After that rotate to the left a little bit of air regulator valve to allow air in the cuff out bit by bit with the speed of 2-3 mmHg / sec.
 k.      Blood flow in the brachial artery to flow again. Watch and listen to the sound arising from the stethoscope when the valve is open cuff. When the sound of arterial pulse (... thump ... thump ... thump ... thump ...) for the first time, then that sounds called Korotkoff sound at a time marker systolic pressure.
l.        Then the throbbing sound was getting louder and louder, and then turned into a noisy, then heard clearly, then began to weaken and then disappeared. Well, the point in time of the sound of knocking / arterial pulse disappeared which was used as a marker of diastolic blood pressure

4.    Stage termination:
a.       Thank you for the cooperation with patient
b.      Document the results of the investigation
c.       Evaluation of client response
d.      Conclude the activity
e.       Giving a message
f.       The contract period further activities
g.      Adjust the position of the clients as comfortable as possible
h.      Clear up the tools and return it to its place

5.    Document:
a.       name of client
b.      Date and time
c.       Action taken
d.      client response
e.       name of officer

Related unit
All personnel Doctor, Nursing and Midwife, .....................HOSPITAL

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