Wednesday 8 February 2017



  1.   Hand Hygiene Surgical Methods
Hand hygiene surgical method is an attempt to clean the hands of foreign matter and microorganisms by using the most up before performing surgical procedures. With the highest goal in reducing pathogens in the area hands, wash your hands surgical methods done very carefully and in a relatively longer. Implementation of hand hygiene by washing hands effectively takes about 2-6 minutes through three stages with the steps:
a.       Moisten your hands with running water, starting from the fingertips to 2 cm above the elbow.
b.      Put about 15 ml (3 x pressure dispenser) handscrub antiseptic liquid in the palm of the left hand, using the other arm elbow or the knee urge to operate the dispenser.
c.       Leveling and scrubbing liquid handsrub
d.      Flatten with palms, followed by a back rub, finger web spaces left and right hand and vice versa.
e.      The palms, fingers in the side of both hands to rub and hook followed by cleaning both the thumb and the tip of the finger nails alternately.
f.        Taking a nail cleaner and wash in running water
g.       Taking a sterile brush that already contains liquid handsrub
h.      Brushing right hand and left hand turns.
i.         Nails with vertical movement in the direction from top to bottom on both hands.
j.        Finger - the finger as if he has four sides, between the fingers, in sequence starting from the thumb to the little finger.
k.       Palms, back through a circular motion.
l.         Wrist area up to the elbows in a circular motion.
m.    Repeat this method on the right hand for 2 minutes.
n.      Rinse hands with water flowing from the fingertips to the elbow with the hand upright position
o.      Do it once again brushing right hand and left hand alternately
p.      Nails with vertical movement in the direction from top to bottom on both hands
q.      The fingers seemed to have four sides, between your fingers, in sequence starting from the thumb to the little finger
r.        Palms and backs circular motion
s.       Wrist area up to the elbows in a circular motion performed for 2 minutes.
t.        Leaving water dripping from the hands to the elbows.
u.      Drying-use sterile towel is divided into 2 parts, one for the left hand and the other to the right hand, twisting of the fingers toward the elbows.
v.       Putting towels in the space provided.

   2.   Things to consider hand washing, among others:
Before and after hand hygiene, there are things that must be considered for the purpose of hand hygiene can be achieved, including:
a.       Nail care hand
Fingernails must be clean and short. Long nails can pose a potential accumulation of pathogenic bacteria found under the nails.
b.      Jewellery and accessories
Not allowed to use in the area of ​​jewelry such as rings hand, because of the risk of accumulation of pathogenic bacteria in the jewelry worn.
c.       Cosmetics
Cosmetics used health workers, such as nail polish, can save pathogenic bacteria, also can be detached from the hand and move away when in contact with patients. This is very dangerous and advised not to do.
d.      The use of a towel or tissue
Drying hands should use a disposable tissue. But if there are limitations in resources, a clean towel can also be used, with a note is only used once and then must go through a cleaning process that can be reused at a later date.

Hand hygiene is an activity that the most efficient, least expensive and easiest to do but have a great impact. It makes every health institution is obliged to commit to improving the culture of hand hygiene in insitusinya. With dibudayakannya hand hygiene, health institutions will be able to improve the quality of care, improve quality of service, and most importantly, health institutions will be able to improve patient safety. 

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