Monday 28 August 2017



Emergency procedures, ie procedures for anticipating emergencies, outline include:
Ø  Plan / draft in case of emergency.
Ø  Education and Exercise.
Ø  Emergency countermeasures.
Ø  Displacement and closure.

A.      Plan / draft in case of emergency.
The plan / draft of an emergency is intended to prepare for coordination and guidance for the organization's activities plan, the preparedness to act and detect irregularities on the organization's activities (on the service process) and / or natural phenomena, where it is suspected that there may be individual accidents, Work area or environmental chaos.
Preparation of the plan / design mentioned above, refers to the following information:
1.       Possibility of danger.
2.       Hazard warning system.
3.       Task & action procedures.
4.       Management and control
5.       Communication in the field.
6.       Sequence of Power.
7.       Member actions / activities
8.       Emergency organization center
9.       Transfer procedure (evacuation)
10.   Help group
11.   Capital.
Good and correct signs and warnings to deal with emergencies can be made according to individual needs, such as:
a.       Fire detection
b.      Fire alarm
c.       System detection equipment
d.      Cries of workers.
e.      Warning from the outside.
The plan / plan should contain information that enables anyone to gain control of an emergency, such as sounding an alarm and notifying their boss as soon as possible.

B.      Education and training
Education and training in the face of emergencies is intended to ensure maximum protection of life and property (buildings, machinery / equipment, vehicles etc.), as well as to reduce the occurrence of situations with adverse effects. A key requirement that workers must understand is to understand and understand the usefulness of: emergency response procedures and plans / designs in the face of emergencies and understand everything related to the procedures for mitigating them.

C.      Emergency countermeasures.
In the case of handling / preventing the emergency, especially the industry environment both the goods industry and service industry, it is necessary joint efforts of all rescue teams (Rescue Team). Emergency Response Team Emergency Response Team (Emergency Response Team) must be established with special name, actions and to whom to report and coordinate what is available. The following are emergency response groups that can be established:
1.       Coordinating Center as Command Post.
2.       Rescue Team experienced in First Aid field.
3.       Team / Fire Brigade Team.
4.       Security (Security Unit / SECURITY).
5.       Other staff members selected.

D.      Displacement and closure.
In the event of an emergency, be sure to close / stop the activities / work and evacuate (removal) all workers from the scene. This evacuation should always be approved by the highest officials of the management ranks or if there is no place can be represented by officials under it, according to the level of organization that has been established.
Team members / rescue teams should always be willing to volunteer to stay on the scene, unless in danger or in accordance with the instructions of senior managers.
The design and emergency response, an integral part of the management process. Management's commitment and policy in addressing the prevention of losses due to emergencies, is a "key" to control the risks that may occur, so d`pat prevent and / or minimize losses.

Attitude and awareness and high discipline and full responsibility of all elements involved both the leadership of the company and the workforce, the importance of adhering to the provisions set out in emergency procedures for maintaining excellent service to the safety of labor, can be created through education and Quality exercise

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