Sunday 4 June 2017


DIARRES (Gastro Entritis)

Diarrhea is an excessive loss of fluid and electrolytes that occur because of the frequency of one or more bowel movements with a watery or liquid stool.

Ø  Increased motility and rapid discharge on the Intestinal is the result of impaired absorption and excretion of fluid and electrolyte.
Ø   Liquids, sodium, potassium and bicarbonate are enhanced from the extracellular space into the stool, resulting in dehydration of electrolyte deficiency, and metabolic acidosis may occur.

Diarrhea is a process of;
Ø  Active transport due to stimulation of bacterial toxin against electrolytes into the small intestine. Cells in the intestinal mucosa are irritated and increased secretion of fluid and electrolytes. Incoming microorganisms will damage intestinal mucosal cells to decrease intestinal surface area, intestinal capacity change and fluid and electrolyte absorption occur.
Ø  Inflammation will decrease the intestinal ability to absorb fluids and electrolytes and food ingredients. This occurs in malabsorption syndrome.
Ø  Increased intestinal motility may lead to impaired intestinal absorption.

Ø  Dehydration
Ø  Hypokalemi
Ø  Hypocalcemia
Ø   Cardiac dysrhythmias due to hypokalemi and hypocalcemia
Ø  Hyponatremia
Ø  Hypovolemic shock
Ø  Acidosis

Infection Factors:
Ø  Bacteria; Enteropathogenic escherichia coli, salmonella, shigella, yersinia enterocolitica
Ø  Viruses; Enterovirus - echoviruses, adenovirus, human retrovirua - such as agent, rotavirus.
Ø  Mushrooms; Candida enteritis
Ø  Parasites; Clambian giardia, crytosporidium
Ø  Protozoa

Not Fakror Infection:
Ø  Food allergy; Milk, protein
Ø  Metabolic or malabsorptive disorders; Celiac disease, cystic fibrosis in the pancreas
Ø  Direct irritation of the digestive tract by food
Ø  Medicines; antibiotics,
Ø  Intestinal disease; Colitis ulcerative, crohn disease, enterocolitis
Ø  Emotional or stressful
Ø  Intestinal obstruction

The kilini sign
Ø  Frequent bowel movements with the consistency of liquid or dilute stools
Ø  There are signs and symptoms of dehydration; Bad skin turgor (decreased skin elasticity), crown and sunken eyes, dry mucous membranes
Ø  Abdominal abdominal
Ø  Fever
Ø  Nausea and vomiting
Ø  Anorexia
Ø   WeakPale
Ø  Changes in vital signs; Pulse and rapid breathing
Ø  Decrease or no urine expenditure

Diagnostic Checkup
Ø  History of allergy to drugs or food
Ø  Fecal culture
Ø  Electrolyte examination; Ureum, creatinine, and glucose
Ø  Stool examination; PH, leukocytes, glucose, and the presence of blood

Therapeutic Management
Ø  Handling focus on causes
Ø  Giving of fluids and electrolytes; Oral (such as pedialyte or oralite) or parenteral therapy
Ø  In infants, breastfeeding is continued if the cause is not from breast milk

Nursing Management
Ø  Assess diarrhea history
Ø  Assess hydration status; Crown, skin turgor, eyes, mucous membrane mouth
Ø  Assess the stools; Amount, color, odor, consistency and time to defecate
Ø  Assess intake and output (income and expenditure)
Ø  Assess weight
Ø  Assess child's activity level
Ø  Assess vital signs

Nursing diagnoses
1.       Lack of fluid volume is associated with frequent bowel movements and caesare
2.       The risk of impaired skin integrity is associated with frequent bowel movements
3.       The risk of infection in people associated with infected diarrheal germs or lack of knowledge about prevention of disease spread
4.       Changes in nutrients less than the body needs associated with decreased intake (inclusion) and decreased absorption of food and fluids
5.       Lack of knowledge related to child care
6.       Anxiety and fear of children / parents related to hospitalization and illness

1.       Increases hydration and electrolyte balance
§  Assess hydration status ,; Crown, eye, skin turgor and mucous membranes
§  Assess urine expenditure; Gravity of urine or specific gravity of urine (1.005-1.020) or corresponding to urine clearance age of 1-2 ml / kg per hourAssess fluid intake and discharge
§  Monitor vital signs
§  Laboratory inspection according to program; Electrolytes, Ht, pH, and serum albumin
§  Provision of fluids and electrolytes according to protocol (with oralit, and parenteral fluid when indicated)
§  Provision of anti-diarrhea drugs and antibiotics according to the program
§  The child is rested

2.       Maintaining the integrity of the skin
§  Assess skin damage or irritation of any bowel movements
§  Use a damp cotton and baby soap (or normal pH) to clean the anus of any large water vessel
§  Avoid from humid bed clothing and bedding
§   Change the diaper / cloth when moist or wet
§  Use a cream medicine if necessary for perineal treatment

3.       Reduce and prevent the spread of infection
§  Teach you how to wash your hands properly for parents and visitors
§  Immediately clean and remove the former large baung water and place in a special place
§  Use unive prevention standards
§  Place in a special room

4.       Increase the optimum nutritional requirements
§  Weigh the child's weight every day
§  Monitor intake and output (inclusion and expenditure)
§  After rehydration, give frequent oral drinks and meals appropriate to diet and age and / or body weight
§  Avoid fruit drinks
§  Perform oral hygiene after every meal
§  For babies, breast milk continues
§   If the infant is intolerant with breast milk give a low lactose formula

5.       Increase knowledge of parents
§  Assess the level of parental understanding
§  Teach about diit and diarrhea control principles
§  Teach parents about the importance of washing hands to avoid contamination
§  Explain about illness, care and treatment
§  Explain the importance of cleanliness

6.       Decrease fear / anxiety in children and parents
§  Teach parents to express feelings of fear and anxiety; Listen to parental complaints and be empathetic, and touch therapeutic
§  Use therapeutic communication; Eye contact, body posture and touch
§  Explain each procedure that will be performed on the child and parents
§  Involve parents in child care
§  Describe the child's condition, the reason for the treatment and care

Planning for Returns
ü  Explain the cause of diarrhea
ü  Teach to recognize diarrhea complications
ü  Teach to prevent diarrhea and transmission of diseases; Teach about prevention standards
ü  Teach child care; Feeding and drinking (eg, Sugar and salt solution)
ü  Teach recognize signs of dehydration, crown and sunken eyes, skin turgor is not elastic, dry mucous membranes
Describe the medicines given; Side effects and their usefulness

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