Thursday 6 April 2017



Nutrition is the provision of food to all the cells and tissues of the body so as to allow the body to be strong with a healthy body and mind.

Nutrient Function
1.       As a source of energy substances
To perform activities of daily examples of food; rice, cassava, noodles
2.       As a food source of a builder substance
For the formation, growth, and maintenance of the body's cells, examples of such food; tempeh, eggs, meat, fish
3.        As a source of regulators
To regulate the use of nutrients in the body, such as the food sample; vegetables and fruits.
Benefits of Nutrition Substance
1.       Maintaining the body's process of growth and development, especially for those who are still in the growth stage, ie for replacing cells that have been damaged and as a protective agent in the body
2.       Obtaining energy to perform daily physical activities, acquisition of energy depending on the circumstances and all kinds of food materials (Kartasapoetra and Marsetyo, 1995).

Importance Of Nutritious Food For Children
1.        The energy required for the growth process
2.       Protects children from deficiency diseases and infections as well as enabling faster children recovering from illness
3.       Inventories nutrients needed for the growth of puberty padaa

Due Of Malnutrition
1.       Kwashiorkor
2.       Marasmus
3.       LVA (Lack of Vitamin A)
4.       Anemia
5.       Mumps

Foods that contain iron include; vegetables, especially beans, anchovies, liver, and blood booster drug administration, when it is serious then it should be a blood transfusion.
Interesting Food
1.       Food served still warm
2.       Contains vitamins 
           Drinking sweet tea is still warm

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