Wednesday 5 April 2017



The verb "lead" means many things, like to walk, run in a certain direction, to direct, to walk in front, being the first, open the game and tend to definite results. A nurse manager to lead an additional worker to explain step by step towards the institutional objectives and by utilizing the efforts of workers achieve the goal.

Leadership includes the following activities: direct, or point the way, supervise or oversee the actions, and coordinate, or to unite the efforts of different individuals.

Of all the activities, directing is the most difficult. To lead subordinates along the way of action has been established, a leader must have a clear picture of the end, must be familiar with the capabilities and motivation of subordinates, and should appreciate spending time and effort to follow the path that has been determined.Directing others is a complex transaction because it put the leader in an authoritarian role or parenterally, so that subordinates tend to react against. Oversee the activities of the easiest of the three activities for supervisors own responsibility to bring curiosity and concern about the contribution of subordinates.

Finally, the coordination of the activities of leadership is very important because unless efforts, all employees are united and focused clearly on institutional objectives, experts assortment of bias working in common purpose with one another.


For the sake of clarity, the manager at every layer of the institutional hierarchy should be associated with a different istikah. Top managers, such as director of nursing, linked to the executive. The manager at the next layer is an administrator or manager. Managers in the middle order is called a supervisor. First-line managers patient care unit called the head nurse or patient care manager. Managers at each layer of the hierarchy to direct, supervise, and mengkoorninasikan efforts of subordinates, but the manager at the upper layer and lower layer berbesa in specificity direction, close supervision, coordination methods.

Head nurses provide detailed guidance and sternly to the nursing staff, sometimes working alongside his subordinates to check the technical skills or the skills of individuals, and mngkoordinasikan activities through daily patrol staff to the hospital, the team reports, and review the patient's treatment plan.

       According to Gillies (1996), the style of leadership based on authority and power 
       can be    divided into four (4), namely:

1.     Authoritarian
Leadership is oriented task or job. Using the power and strength in leading positions. The leader determines all the objectives to be achieved in decision making. Information is provided only on the importance of its tasks. Motivation by reward and punishment.

2.    Democratic
A leadership that respects nature and Traffic each staff. Using his personal position and the power to push the idea of ​​staff, motivate groups to determine their own destination. Make a plan and control within the application. Information is given the widest and open.

3.    Participatory
Leadership is a combination of autocratic and democratic, the leaders present the results of analysis of the problem and then propose actions on subordinates. Staff requested suggestions and criticisms and to consider the staff response to the proposal, and the final decision is on the group.

4.    Freedom Act
A offisial leadership, employees determine their own activities without direction, supervision and coordination. Staff / subordinate evaluate the work in accordance with its own way. Leaders only as a source of information and control is minimal.


1.       Communicating about the organization and to facilitate activities of the organization and implementation of changes.
2.       Bendelegasikan and get others to melaksanankan tasks and accept responsibility
3.       selecting and choosing the right employees
4.       Creating an organizational culture conducive and effective
5.       Consult with staff and others outside of the appropriate organization of state organization
6.       Know when rules must be implemented (flexibility)


        Choose by circling the appropriate number of respondents  Gender :

            1.  Male – Male
            2.  female


Answer the question - the question below by marking Y if the answer Yes and No sign if the answer not the answers that have been provided!  What is the official schedule creation dillakukan joint between the head space and subordinates? (......)

  1.             Does the head space come on time? (... ..)
    2.     Is the space head home on time? (... ..)

    3.       Does the head space pre-conference held before the start of the service? (... ..)
    4.       Does the head space to hold post-conference after starting the service? (... ..)
    5.       Is the head space to socialize if there are new regulations? (... ..)
    6.       Is the head space attention to input from subordinates in decision making? (... ..)
    7.       Is the head space using the method of deliberation in decision-making? (... ..)
    8.       Is the head space provide equal opportunities for all employees for all employees to continue their education? (... ..)
    9.       Does the head space providing equal opportunities for all employees at a training / seminar? (... ..)
    10.    What is the head space to give a compliment if subordinates succeed in doing the task? (... ..)
    11.   Is the head space give warning if a subordinate who made a mistake? (... ..)
    12.   Is the head space of sanctions if the subordinates do something wrong? (... ..)
    13.   Does the room have melakukakn chief delegate / delegation of tasks and authority with subordinates? (... ..)
    14.    What is the head of the room to supervise directly or indirectly to a subordinate? (... ...)
    15. What is the official schedule creation dillakukan joint between the head space and subordinates? (......)

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