Sunday 3 December 2017

employee performance evaluation

employee performance evaluation

What is an employee performance evaluation .......?
Is an assessment of employee behavior, Any behavior, attitude or action that should or should not be done by the employee in accordance with the provisions of the company.

The assessment includes 4 aspects:
  1. Honesty and Integrity 
  2. Discipline and Commitment 
  3. Loyalty 
  4. Skill and Competence


Honesty and Integ     
Honesty in attitudes behave in service with sincerity to provide the best service for patients and families, as well as the ability and willingness to act in accordance with the norms and ethics of the organization although no one is watching  

Discipline and Commitment
The ability to comply with obligations and avoid the prohibitions specified in the laws and regulations or or regulations of the Hospital / Company. As well as having the Will and ability to align attitudes and actions to realize the goals of the organization by prioritizing the interests of work rather than self-interest, a person and / or group.

Having a soul to help each other, never give up, obey the leadership and subject to the rules Hospital / Company that has been established. As well as the Will and the ability to cooperate with co-workers, superiors, subordinates in their work units and other agencies to complete a defined task and responsibility, to achieve utmost usefulness and results.

Skill and Competence
Willpower and ability in developing oneself in scientific according to profession in duty in Hospital / Company.

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