Tuesday 11 December 2018

First aid when attacked by poisonous snakes ” Snake Bite ”

First aid when attacked by poisonous snakes
 ” Snake Bite ”

When bitten by a snake most people are always panicked and gripped by fear. Actually, it does not need to be so, as long as you know the characteristics of snakes and how to handle them.
It is important to know that high and lethal venomous snakes have Proteroglypha and Solenoglypha tooth types. If humans are bitten by this group of snakes, the principle is to immediately get out of the body, inhibit the rate of toxins to the heart and get the right and correct first aid as soon as possible.
If it is not helped and mishandled it will have a fatal effect, namely death. If helped, it will usually leave a defect or marks on the bite. Actually, the number and type of high venomous snakes is less than the other groups, except all types of sea snakes that are highly venomous and very deadly.

there are several things that can distinguish between high-venomous and low-venomous snakes. However, some of the following features still do not precisely indicate the level of snake venom, so further observation and research are needed.

  • Ø  Movement is fast, afraid of enemies, aggressive
  • Ø  Activity during the day (diurnal)
  • Ø  Kill prey by twisting
  • Ø  The shape of the head is oval
  • Ø  Don't have canines
  • Ø  The bite is not deadly
  • Ø  After biting, immediately run

Ø  His movements are slow, calm, full of confidence
Ø  Activity at night (nocturnal)
Ø  Kill prey by injecting it can
Ø  The shape of the head tends to be a perfect triangle
Ø  Having canines, deadly poisons
Ø  Cannibal
Ø  After biting, still stay in place

People think all snakes are dangerous, and if they meet they will try to kill them. Actually it's not like that. Especially if you are bitten by a snake, usually handling excessive bites. As a result, it is quite fatal and detrimental to humans themselves. Likewise, if the handling of the effects of a high venomous snake is carried out slowly and wrongly, it can have a fatal impact on the victim.
The effect of snake venom bites on the human body besides being determined by the level of can / poison itself is also influenced by the endurance of the human body being bitten. The better the natural "defense" or antibody you have, and the healthier your body's metabolism, the bite effect will decrease. If, compared to victims who have poor immunity or are in a condition not fit due to tiredness or illness

  1. Take a safe position,
  2. Stay away from snakes.
  3. Immobilize the patient and do elastic bandage on the bite wound to stop and slow down the speed to the heart.
  4. Calm the victim, do not do a lot of activities / movements that drain energy and accelerate the heartbeat
  5. Get to know the snake that is biting (VITAL STEPS and IMPORTANT!) If you can recognize a snake, adjust the help action according to the character of the effect it can have on humans. Remember the difference between low venom and high venom! and the main thing is if there are two real points of the bite, meaning high venom. If the bite forms a letter U with a large number of wounds it means it is not venomous. If you cannot recognize the type of snake, suppose that it is a high poisonous and deadly snake. Next, try to memorize the characteristics of the snake and if necessary, kill the snake to take it to the medical department. "Snake everywhere, don't worry just be prepared!"
  6. Six Perform first aid measures


It will only cause torn sores or abrasions and itching.
  • Ø  Remove the elastic pads
  • Ø  Wash the wound with water and soap or cleanse the wound (Revanol)
  • Ø  Give antiseptic medication.
  • Ø  If necessary, cover the wound with a gauze cloth or leave it open to dry quickly
  • Ø  Remember! snakes don't need to be killed
  • Ø  Handling medium poisonous snake bites, Will cause swelling in the area around the wound, discoloration, and if the condition of the body is not fit, it will feel hot - cold fever for about 2-7 days.
  • Ø  Remove the pads
  • Ø  Wash the wound with an existing cleanser (revanol)
  • Ø  Give antiseptic
  • Ø  If necessary, cover the wound with a gauze cloth or leave it open to dry quickly
  • Ø  Try to get the victim to rest for a while
  • Ø  Give high calorie and protein foods or drinks
  • Ø  Give additional vitamins
  • Ø  Remember ! snakes don't need to be killed
  • Ø  When bitten by a giant type snake, Pyhton snake, Resulting in open bleeding and torn wounds.
  • Ø  Position the wound above from the position of the heart to prevent bleeding, preferably lying down
  • Ø  Stop Bleeding! by performing a procedure for handling open bleeding or by using a torniquet technique.
  • Ø  Rest and calm the victim
  • Ø  Try to evacuate to the hospital while paying attention to bleeding so that it does not open again.
  • Ø  Give high calorie and protein foods or drinks
  • Give additional vitamins